Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I'm sad today. I had a good day overall. It was just one of those days where I took a minute to reflect in order to try and move forward. That was a bad idea. For some reason, today when I looked back I could only see failures. I know that "you need to fail in order to appreciate true success" but I'm ready for the success part now. Ready to quit making stupid choices that end up permanently replacing my dreams. I'm starting to get really angry at the fact that we even have dreams. I would like to truly know who reaches them. I feel like life has defeated me and I am sad.

1 comment:

  1. "Seek happiness in the Lord and he will give you your heart's desire"
    Psalm 37:4

    I used to think that meant that God would just give me the stuff that I want. As I've walked along in faith I've learned that the more I seek Him he changes my heart to want the things that HE wants. Then the things that I thought I wanted become less and less important. Dreams might not totally go away but they loose so much importance. Give it time Ange. You've started down a path that is far from easy. Stand firm in your decision and your heart will start to change. It's a process. I love you.
