Monday, December 28, 2009

Ready to Begin Again

Hello, my invisible audience! I have been avoiding the world for the last couple of weeks due to this wretched sinus infection that took over my life. I am finally feeling better this week so I thought I should take a minute to write for the sake of staying consistent.
It is the last week of the year and I can't remember the last time I was so anxiously awaiting the arrival of the next one. This year has been brutal. Not just for me, personally, but for so many of my loved ones as well. I can reflect with an attitude of thankfulness, though, because it definitely could have been worse.
I just love the start of a new year with a clean slate and new goals to reach. LeRoy and I write our goals together every New Year's Eve. (Cheesy, I know.) I love being able to look at our list from last year and seeing that even though we had a somewhat difficult year, we still managed to reach a lot of our goals. That is rewarding. Maybe we won't set the bar so high this year though. There were still a lot of things on that list that I would have loved to have crossed off of it! Maybe we'll just carry them over and keep plugging away!
I would love for our little business to gather steam and take off this year. There are still so many little details to get figured out before that can happen, but I will be happy with progress of any kind in that area. In the "mean"time, I am going back to work full time to try to get us ahead in some of the financial aspects of our life. It's going to be really hard for me to have to leave the little ones again, but I know that it is what I need to do for our family for now. Besides, we all know that it is in everyone's best interest for me to get out of the house. :)
I am ready for whatever this year has in store for us. I guess I've never really thought of challenge as a bad thing. A challenging situation is an opportunity to prove to myself that I am capable of more than I ever thought possible. So, while this year has been challenging, it has made us stronger in our faith, as a couple and as a family. I am glad for everything that has happened to us, but I'm also glad that we don't have to live it again! So bring it on, 2010!

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